For individuals


1:1 Executive training

Success at most jobs requires the ability to speak clearly and succinctly in meetings and presentations. This skill has nothing to do with “learning to be confident.” In just a few hours, I’ll teach you the simple art of explaining yourself effectively and confidently in all situations.


Pitch & presentation help

Your success – as an employee or as an entrepreneur-- depends on your skill at pitching & presenting. Save yourself days of anxious, wasted time. Learn how to explain your ideas effectively, persuasively, and to back them up with memorable visuals.


Meeting & interview prep


Hire a professional speech writer with sterling credentials to hone your ideas and make them come alive. Save time and stress by rehearsing with an expert, attentive to the nuances of position and public relations.

Knowing what to say (or not say) in meetings makes all the difference. Stop winging it, hoping you’ll express yourself perfectly (it seldom works). Prepare your thoughts in advance to get the results you deserve.